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Sequence 2
September 26 2021 until Shiogama realized what is happening

September 26 2021 0:44 ~ 0:47 AM (JST)

Several comments related to this were written to Shiogama’s UTAU, Kohaku Merry, videos that were uploaded by Shiogama. The comment was commented in seconds to several videos. 

The actions taken by Shiogama that are said in the comments do not exist at all.


September 26 2021 3:30 AM (JST)


Aoka HIiragi Tweeted tweets that can evoke about Shiogama and impair her trust to her requested deliverables. Which do not exist at all.


September 26 2021 4:00 AM ~ (JST)


Aoka Hiiragi direct messaged the false information to her outside Japan followers witten below.

“Her name is Shiogama. She has been relentlessly making harassing comments on my video”


September 26 2021 5:04 AM ~ (JST)


Aoka Hiiragi tweeted in English to her outside Japan followers that can evoke about Shiogama.


*  ”Clown” is the same background with Aoka Hiiragi and Shiogama’s UTAU character and has a high reputation to users outside Japan.


Also Aoka Hiiragi replied with false information in a direct message to multiple followers who got curious about the situation.


September 26 2021 5:59 AM ~ (JST)


She tweeted to her Japanese followers to get interest.


Aoka Hiiragi’s Tweet : I just said the truth to my followers living outside Japan.


September 26 2021 6:09 AM ~ (JST)

Aoka Hiiragi tweeted that can evoke about Shiogama and her UTAU character and give a negative image of them in a roundabout way.



September 26 2021 6:35 AM ~ (JST)


Aoka Hiiragi has tweeted that she was sure that the suspect is Shiogama and asked for opinion about revenge on her and the person near.



To the person who replied to this tweet, Aoka Hiiragi has replied “I don't have the will to revenge” but it contradicts the action taken.


September 26 2021 8:33 AM ~ (JST)


To spread the false information, Aoka Hiiragi recruited cooperator.



September 26 2021 8:41 AM ~ (JST)


Aoka Hiiragi tweeted what to do when people found tweets about the problem.



September 26 2021 8:45 AM ~ 8:46 AM (JST)


Aoka Hiiragi announced she was thinking of revenge using with her UTAU character Anna Nyui.



September 26 2021 10:04 AM (JST)


Aoka Hiiragi announced not to attack Shiogama and defended her, contradicting from before. 

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