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Sequence 1
January 31 2021 - September 25 2021

Around January 31 2021 8:23 PM (JST) 


There was a comments “like another character”, “who is it?” on the video of New costume MMD distribution of Anna Nyui contributed by Aoka Hiiragi.



(【Annna Nyui -Prima-】Cynical night plan 【MMD model distribution】)

(The said comment is deleted at present time.)


From these comments Aoka Hiiragi took this comments as slander to her and the person related to the work for these reasons. (*Appendix1-2


  • Comment of “looks like another character” is pointing about Annna Nyui -Prima- 's design  and the costume.

  • There was a mention “This model was created with a lot of cooperation. Therefore please refrain from slander and advising.” on the  details of the video.


To identify the person who slander, Aoka Hiiragi investigated through Twitter accounts, including  blocking accounts, using the previous account and the new account and found Shiogama’s tweet written below. (Aoka Hiiragi’s previous account blocked Shiogama’s twitter accounts from trifling matter and and did not remember. After that there wasn't any contact between each other, including using third parties. (*Appendix1-1) Also that time, there wasn't any contact or replay when both were mutual-followers.


Shiogama’s Tweet : January 31 2021, 8:44 PM JST

Thank you for the polite impression !!! So happy about it!!


Same day, Shiogama got news that her relative had passed away and didn't show up on twitter for 8 hours. A coincidence, the tweet was posted 20 minutes before the said comment on the video. (*Appendix1-3


Aoka Hiiragi found this tweet and thought  “Shiogama just said her real intention from the stress.”

(*Appendix 2-4) and that the possibility of the comment on the video was from her. From this. Aoka Hiiragi started to think “ I want to exile from the UTAU cluster or stop Shiogama’s UTAU distribution.” 

* There aren't any facts that Shiogama has done to Aoka Hiiragi witten above.

September 4 2021 

Aoka Hiiragi announced her enmity to Shiogama on twitter.


Aoka Hiiragi’s Tweet : September 4 2021, 11:16 PM JST

People think writing comments on Nico-Do(Video platform) is anonymous, but it's clear with the tweet and the timing that you showed up. I’m glad that, famous someone who didn’t show up on twitter for the whole day and left 2 ironic comments is doing fine.

September 5 2021 


At the same time, Aoka Hiiragi also announced that her happiness is the way to oppose.


Aoka Hiiragi’s Tweet : September 5 2021, 0:03 AM JST

 Been happy it the best way to attack haters and keeping my close people and supporters 

in peace is my happiness. I'm so happy and won’t stop reaching out to my happiness.

September 16 2021


Aoka Hiiragi started to contact a person who has relationships with Shiogama and aimed to take over the role of Shiogama. 

September 18 2021


Aoka Hiiragi followed Shiogama after 6 years, and replied to Shiogama for the first time. From this day, contact with people who have relationships with Shiogama has increased.


Aoka Hiiragi’s Tweet : September 18 2022, 0:41 AM JST 

@shiogama_merry once again, thankyou for the follow!


Shiogama’s Tweet : September 18 2021, 0:47 AM JST 

Long time no see. Thank you too.


Truth that was found after, Aoka Hiiragi was talking to the third parties, the purpose of erasing Shiogama from the UTAU cluster or stopping her UTAU distribution and the ways to do it by following the approach witten below. 


  1. When Shiogama is showing up on twitter, Aoka Hiiragi will retweet her own tweet and right after like a lot of Shiogama’s tweets.

  2. Follow Shiogama.

  3. Aoka Hiiragi thought Shiogama would check her tweet. If Shiogama was the one who did the said comment, Aoka Hiiragi thought it would be “desperately heart illing harassment” and took action. Also Aoka Hiiragi thought about the possibility of comment was from another person but she was enjoying this action.


September 16 2021 to September 25 2021


Aoka Hiiragi took actions written below on Twitter. Meanwhile Aoka Hiiragi didn’t contact Shiogama including replay or direct messaging. Shiogama was puzzled with Aoka Hiiragi’s aberrant and suspicious action and watched calmly with the action.


  • Liking a lot of Shiogama’s non-UTAU tweets

  • Following people who have a relationship with Shiogama or adding to a list named ”person who is interested in.”

  • Liking a lot of tweets, tweeted by person who has relationship with Shiogama.

  • Liking a lot of tweets of the follower’s when that follower is having conversation with Shiogama and talking about Shiogama’s UTAU character.

  • Contacted a Shiogama produced person and said “I’ll produce you” for several times without Shiogama’s permission. 

  • Started to offer jobs that is same as the jobs that Shiogama is offering.

  • Aoka Hiiragi was making her fiance to like Shiogama’s tweet and like the tweet at the same time.


Shiogama’s menntion

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