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Sequence 4
Sep 26 2021- Apr 2022

From September 30 2021 to middle of January 2021


Shiogama and Hiiragi Aoka have exchanged opinions, through their lawyers, about  their continuous  activity.  Shiogama has suggested to Aoka Hiiragi that, signing with the pledge and release of this site, Shiogama will accept an apology from Aoka Hiiragi and pass over a matter in silence of harassment done by her. And Aoka agreed with this.

The pledge’s details are written under. Furthermore, Shiogama didn’t request settlement payment.


  • Aoka Hiragi will apologize to Shiogama from the bottom of her heart. 

  • Aoka Hiiragi will stop harassing Shiogama and people who are near her.

  • Aoka Hiiragi is prohibited to talk about this case 


Also Shiogama noted Aoka Hiiragi’s side through her lawyer that she is going to creat the summary and explanation of the case written by Shiogama side and checked by Aoka Hiiragi.


Middle of January 2021


Shiogama's side was creating the summary and explanation of the case from Aoka Hiiragi’s conclusion of the pledge.  Aoka Hiiragi has stopped operating her twitter account from September 29 2021. But She suddenly deleted all of the tweets and deleted the likes that concern the case and changed the account to private mode without contacting Shiogama's lawyer.


February 2 2022 


Shiogama’s side confirmed Aoka Hiiragi has operated her main and sub twitter account. (@54akoa) 


From early February to middle of April 2022

Shiogama side’s lawyer contacted to Aoka Hiiragi side’s lawyer to stop operating her twitter account and the reason about deleting the tweets. To this Aoka Hiiragi answered about the operation of her twitter account through the lawyer that she didn’t recognize deleting and changing to private account mode as prohibited action and this action was not on purpose to Shiogama’s side. 


But Aoka Hiiragi’s account operation deleted under written tweets as well and will mention about it.

In deleted tweets there was tweets about Aoka Hiiragi promising She will never take similar action when similar problem happens and tweeted under a wittern tweet.


Let me promise at this place that I will never do such a thing like this again by  making my family and friend scold me about it.  And until I can control my emotions, by going to medical institution,  I will stop tweeting emotional tweets and private messaging.


Also in deleted tweets, Aoka Hiiragi was announcing that she will not delete her tweets. However she deleted it. 


Also, not to destroy the evidence, I will not delete last night's tweet..

However please, PLEASE do not spread  this tweet.


Onward I will save tweets except the case that I harassed Shiogama and will not delete, retweet or erase  retweets either and will stop contacting followers including DMs.

I will not react to DM including using stamps.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

I appreciate your kind cooperation.Thank you.


Shiogama’s side told to Aoka Hiiragi side’s lawyer about the information written above and apprehension to Aoka Hiiragi deleting her tweets and recognition and opinion to it from Shiogama’s side by receiving  the answer to Aoka Hiiragi deleting her tweets.


However, Aoka Hiiragi’s Twitter operation continued on both main and sub accounts. From this  Shiogama felt the necessity of faster notification. Creating the summary and explanation of the case in a  preferential manner and created it and Aoka Hiiragi checked the summary and explanation of the case and admitted  there is  no objection to the detail.



April 2022


Shiogama and Aoka Hiiragi, both agreed to what is written in the summary and explanation released this site.


With the release of this site and the pledge, Shiogama will accept an apology from Aoka Hiiragi and pass over a matter in silence of this case done by Aoka Hiiragi.

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